LUCID joins Canadian digital health companies on innovation mission to South Korea

October 31, 2022
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Today, LUCID embarks on a mission with The Embassy of Canada and fellow digital health companies to promote innovation partnerships between Canada and South Korea.

As part of the Canadian International Innovation Program, LUCID was hand-selected by Hyun-Ju Lim, Trade Commissioner (Science, Technology and Innovation), to travel to South Korea with other digital health companies as part of the Canadian Digital Health Innovation Delegation to South Korea.

“It is an honour to be selected as one of the digital health companies in Canada to travel to South Korea,” says Zach McMahon, CEO and co-founder of LUCID. “While on this trip, we aim to identify potential partners in the areas of technology adaptation and validation, in addition to furthering collaboration and technology co-development with digital healthcare providers in South Korea.”

With the data they uncover, LUCID hopes the mission will help them better understand how LUCID’s technology can be of service in the South Korean healthcare system and the different ways North American and South Korean healthcare systems differ.

Some of the initiatives LUCID will be taking part in include connecting with Korean companies to discuss research and collaboration opportunities, site visits to leading research centers, speaking opportunities to present LUCID’s research and work, and more.

Through Global Affairs Canada and the Embassy of Canada in Seoul, the trip’s objective is to validate the significance of Canadian technology to Korean healthcare markets while also encouraging the joint development of innovative projects by bringing together Canadian and Korean technology.


LUCID develops therapeutic music experiences for mental health. By unlocking the power of neuroscience and machine learning, LUCID’s AI curates music experiences that are optimized for specific emotional outcomes. They aim to provide personalized, evidence-based, and accessible solutions in mental health care. LUCID is working towards the clinical validation of music as medicine.